Hi ladies, I had my big u/s yesterday. A tech performed it & then it gets passed along to the radiologist to read it. Well this morning I got out of the pool & had 3 missed calls from Radiology. All the lady could tell me was they "needed me to come back for another u/s within the next few days per the radiologist."
Both myself & DH are having a little bit of a freakout moment right now. Should we be worried? Did they just forget a few pictures? Need clarification? It just is hard because no one at the Dr. could answer my questions because they weren't the Dr. Anyways, we are going back tomorrow at 1pm....but I don't think it could come soon enough.......
Re: Big U/S freakout/question
I'm not sure but I want to wish you luck and pray they just needed some more info!!
My friend had to go back because of the baby's position they couldn't see all chambers of the heart. When they did the second one everything was great!
Natural M/c 12/13/08 at 8w5d
Alot of times they dont get all the pictures that they need (couldnt see something because of the position of the baby), so they ask you to come back. I wouldnt freak out just yet. Also, you could call your dr & they should have the report from radiology.
I had to go back yesterday so they could measure the blood flow in and out of her heart - I've heard that's the hardest measurement to get and it's very common to have to try again. Did you meet with your doctor after the u/s? He told me at that time that I'd have to come back in a month.
((HUGS)) I hope it's something very simple!
We just went today and we have to go back as well. B/c the baby was facing out they couldn't get part of the spine measurements, see all the chambers of the heart or measure the feet for some reason. I am sure that this is what is needed. Good luck and keep us posted!
P.S. the couldn't tell the sex either!
They really should just let you know ahead of time why you need to go back in instead of adding stress and making you worried...
But try not to worry and good luck! I'm sure everything's fine!