2nd Trimester

The dark side of the bump...

is where Bebe Ha likes to hang out. And by that, I mean that s/he never kicks above my belly button, and so it's impossible for me to actually see kicks thanks to my bump blocking the view.

The LO is already hiding things from me - Methinks that can't be a good sign... Hmm

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Re: The dark side of the bump...

  • Hee hee, it's like the dark side of the moon.
    Mc 6/2/08 at 6w2d * CP 11/22/08 * CP 1/21/09 - Dx compound heterozygous MTHFR 3/23/09 - BFP 3/24/09
  • My LO is already head-down, but all I ever feel is thumping beneath my belly button.So, technically I've never felt a kick-- only punches. :)
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