2nd Trimester

REALLY need some sleep.

I need some help.  I've been doing OK sleeping, up until about 3 weeks ago (when I moved into my parents basement and started sleeping on a cheap twin bed).  I would sleep on my side (either right or left).  Well, I started having this really DEEP, painful ache in my right hip when I was on my right side, so I turned to my left side.  That worked for a couple days, but then the left hip started to do it too.  So how am I supposed to sleep???  Can't sleep on my right or left side, not supposed to sleep on my back or stomach...

I had the idea to stick a pillow under my hips to cushion it a bit, and I bought a body pillow.  Those helped for about a week, but now the hips are starting to hurt again.  Then last night, my left shoulder started to hurt too.    So pretty much there's no position I can sleep in without causing pain.  It was such a hard, restless night.  I woke up around 8, then grabbed my body pillow and laid down on the floor next to the couch so my back was wedged against the couch and the rest of me laying on the body pillow.  I slept for about 2 hours, woke up once, but I actually DREAMED.  It was a better sleep on the floor than in my bed.

I really, really need some sleep.  As I said before, now I can't lay on either side without pain, and I'm not supposed to sleep on my back or stomach.  So what am I supposed to do?  How on earth can I get a good night's sleep?  Is anyone else experiencing this?

Any thoughts or advice would be very appreciated.  Thanks.

Re: REALLY need some sleep.

  • if you're still comfortable on your back or stomach - then sleep that way. I havent been told to Not sleep in any position. Sleeping on my stomach has become uncomfortable but being on my back & sides doesnt bother me. Your body will tell you if something is wrong.
  • Stomach sleeping just isn't comfortable, and I had heard that sleeping on your back causes the weight of your uterus to push on your spine, intestines, muscles, and restricts blood flow.
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  • i have chronic insomnia and i was in a boating accident as a teenager, so i've tried everything for sleeplessness and joint/muscle pain in bed.

    -get one of those foam toppers for your mattress.  i got one from overstock.com before we got our new mattress (which cost a billion dollars, but was worth it for me) and it REALLY helped with joint pain.  you do have to air it out for a day or so when you first get it because it smells like godawful chemicals, but you will learn to love those chemicals.

    -try a foam pillow between your knees.  the slant of your top leg going down paradoxically puts pressure on your bottom hip.  regular pillows can get all mushy.  bed bath & beyond sells knee pillows just for this purpose.

    -take a tylenol pm at the time you go to sleep.  my doctor approved them for me.  it's just tylenol and the stuff in benadryl.

    kiss it, nest.
  • One word for you-Unisom.

    It has done wonders for me. There are two types though, gel caps and tablets. I was told to get the tablets and not the gels for sleeping. I sleep through the whole night and don't even wake to pee :) It has been heaven.


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