2nd Trimester

Tightening belly question

I'm not sure if I'm having braxton hicks or something else.  Twice last night I woke up because one side of my belly was really hard and tight, but the other side was normal.  I thought Braxton Hicks were all over, or am I just feeling baby on one side? I have an anterior placenta so I haven't really felt her yet.

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PCOS, Ectopic & M/C of twins October 2010, Currently TTC #2

Re: Tightening belly question

  • I get that too, I just assume it's Braxton Hicks (with the baby more on one side than the other so it's bulging more).
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Normal! I get that all the time, and my doctor told me it was BH. Most of the time it's my whole ute, but often it's the right or left side (probably where ever baby is). If you're concerned, call your doc's office -- they'll give you some tips on how to minimize them (drink more water, switch sides often when sleeping, etc) GL
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  • I had that and my dr said it was where the baby was pushing out. He said BH would be a tightening all over. I get that (baby on one side) a lot in the mornings.
    Just an absolute casserole of nonsense.
    CDH, born 10/26/09.... now I see a family, where there once was none.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have that too.  I'm also getting BH's a lot lately, my ute feels like a shield.
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