My big U/S is next Weds and I'm paranoid that the baby will be uncooperative and we won't get the money shot. In fact, my mom keeps saying that my Nana will be pulling some strings in heaven to guarantee that the baby's legs will be crossed. Apparently she didn't like when people knew the sex before birth.
In any case, how many people had an uncooperative baby? Is this fairly common? I really, REALLY want to know the sex, but I don't really want to pay the out of pocket expense for the elective U/S.
Re: Big U/S Question
We didn't have a problem. I drank two sodas before the u/s, and he was dancin' all over the place! No chance for him to keep his legs crossed.
Good luck!
My first was pretty uncooperative. But, the tech was really nice and let me take a break, go get some OJ and something to eat and move around a bit and come back in after she took someone else. That ended up working and we were able to find out.
With this one she was pretty cooperative, I had to turn on my side and that seemed to do the trick.
GL! I know what it's like to want to know that badly. I hope the baby makes it easy to find out.
Coke before U/S ... yes please!
Thanks ladies! I feel a bit better about this!