2nd Trimester

Baby Steals made a funny

"The word "Oi" is a universal term used in Australia "

Or am I the only one to think it's funny?

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Re: Baby Steals made a funny

  • I gave that the side eye too, but I'm not sure why exactly. I'm pretty sure  in French it's "Oui" for yes and "Oy" in Yiddish... Not sure which way I was taking it when I first saw it...
  • Uh, I'm pretty sure it's used in England too. And also by punks.
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  • It can't be universal if it's just used in Australia... can it?

  • imagesara_smile:

    It can't be universal if it's just used in Australia... can it?

    Unless Australia = the Universe. Which obviously can't be right. We all know CANADA = the Universe Wink... Oy!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersimage
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • *headdesk*

    I swear sometimes I am surprised I make it to work fully clothed.

  • imageMonsieur_et_Madame_Ha:

    It can't be universal if it's just used in Australia... can it?

    Unless Australia = the Universe. Which obviously can't be right. We all know CANADA = the Universe Wink... Oy!

    Wow, I'm all effed up... here I was thinking My Ute = the Universe. Big Smile

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