2nd Trimester

Boob leakage

I woke up this morning to a severe case of boob leakage (first time).

Anyone else got this going on as well?  Is it a daily event? Or does it come and go?

Tori 10.10.09 / Callie 9.14.10 / Callie's Epilespy Journey

Re: Boob leakage

  • I've got it... it comes and goes for me...
    1/8/12 Confection Shrug Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I had a tiny bit leakage (a few drops, really) on Sunday and it hasn't happened since. I'm hoping it won't keep happening!
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  • I only noticed mine because I was wearing a silk nightgown and it had spots in the boob area when I woke up.  So far it has been very little and it doesn't happen very often.
  • I just got it a couple days ago..no bra and i had wet spots on both sides. Got it last night too. Comes and goes. BTW im 22 wks.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes, I'm having drips and drabs too. It shows up as spots in my bra and also a couple of times I've woken up to a little wetness there.
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