Ok, so I'm not looking to get flamed - just looking for an honest answer.
Do you still have to wait 6 wks to have sex if you have a c-sec? I'm not dumb enough to imagine that I'll want to/be able to physically handle it much before that, but does anyone know what the md recommendation is?
Re: 6-wks after question...
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
Yes you do. You have an open wound on your uterus that needs to heal.... Nevermind the layers of sutures from the incision. This risk of infection is great then.
Sex was the last thing on my mind for the longest time after I delivered DS.
My OB "cleared" me for everything at my PP appointment which happened to be 5 weeks after my c/s. It took a couple/few weeks more before I really felt up to it though.