2nd Trimester

Ouch! This stinks....

Good Morning Everyone!


Okay I know it's just part of being pregnant but my stomach/uterous hurts sooooo much! It's stretching and growing ... i know ... but knowing that doesn't make it hurt any less! Does this feelling stop later in pregnancy or will it continue to throb until after I give birth? (I'm hoping it ends obviously!!)



Re: Ouch! This stinks....

  • I had some cramping around 14 weeks but have been ok since.  Just a day here and there that are sore. It should pass (of course then something else will start hurting). (sorry, Im really bitter today.)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • haha bitter is okay.... i'm typically a sarcastic person. Sarcasm doesn't translate well on message boards though so I try to keep tame :-)
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  • No input here, put I feel ya.  I was sooo uncomfortable last night with the stretching and weird crampy feeling.  And now I think I might be getting the infamous lightning crotch.  Oh the joys of pregnancy...Tongue Tied

    Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
    Norah Jewel - 2/26/14

  • Oh god... lightning crotch is definitely worse. It makes me jump in my seat everytime. I was in a meeting once and felt like everyone noticed me squirm!
  • It seems to happen if I sit in one position too long...Definitely feels like a taser to the cooter.  Not pleasant.

    Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
    Norah Jewel - 2/26/14

  • Lightning Crotch?  Someone explain please!!!
  • it's a sharp pain in your crotch area. Usually feels like you're being eletrocuted in that area from the inside out. If you get it you'll know for sure! LOL

    First time i got it I called my OB all embarrrased trying to figure out how to explain it. My husband didn't help by laughing his head off as I picked up the phone and said "Hi, I'm not sure if this is normal or not but I feel like the baby took a taser to my vagina..." Granted now that I think about it - that is a pretty funny way of explaining it!

  • Oh I know what it is now.... I  always said it felt like someone was sticking a knife up there.  I'm glad it finally has a name. :P  Not a good feeling at all and the last 2 or 3 weeks are the worst... the doc told me it was my cervix thinning. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
  • You could be having some severe round ligament pain. It was the worst for me from weeks 14-18. It's lightened up now (it's not sharp and severe) but my pelvic floor is thining. Yesterday my OB told me that this is really common in short-waisted women. I have to wear a support belt or compression stockings so all of my muscles don't rip.  Yuck-O.
  • I had pretty bad cramping around 12 weeks and then again around 18 weeks  - like super bad period cramps.  Nowadays, it just feels like a stitch in my side on occasion.  It scared the crap out of me the first time. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


  • imageMyLittleTyke:

    it's a sharp pain in your crotch area. Usually feels like you're being eletrocuted in that area from the inside out. If you get it you'll know for sure! LOL

    First time i got it I called my OB all embarrrased trying to figure out how to explain it. My husband didn't help by laughing his head off as I picked up the phone and said "Hi, I'm not sure if this is normal or not but I feel like the baby took a taser to my vagina..." Granted now that I think about it - that is a pretty funny way of explaining it!


    Ha....couldn't have explained it any better.

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