I was sitting at a meeting at our church, crocheting a lovie our baby... listening intently to this church growth specialist...when all of a sudden my daughter rolled over, or did a somersault or something. It was the WEIRDEST feeling!! She'd been kicking and moving a lot, but this was so strong it made me jump!
Then, she stopped moving completley for an hour and a half. Which, I realize isn't uncommon at all, but still, when we got home, I sacrificed myself and hopped her up on Ice Cream. She definitely started moving again, lol!
Have y'all felt your LO's showing off their gymnastic skills?
Re: My daughter's a gymnast.
My baby is CRAZY. I love it.
But he usually sticks to one side- and just does a lot of kicking and punching... a karate fanatic, I feel he'll be.
Mine was kick boxing my tummy this afternoon... I could see my tummy jab out to the left and later to the right... not just a pop but bouncing around!
Its so crazy, weird and cool!