Seriously... who says that??
DH apparently. He told me he doesn't find my boobs/nipples attractive anymore so he thinks my shirt should stay on during sex.
I understand, because they are weirding me out too, but for real, did he have to tell me? I think I would have liked to have never known his feelings on that topic.
Re: "I think for now you should keep your shirt on"
sorry to say this, but that is damn insensitive and mean of him.
my DH learned a few weeks ago that saying my legs are starting to get cottage cheese on them wasn't very nice..especially when I pointed out that he looks more pregnant than me right now and is need of sixpack himself.
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
Throat punch. =
Really, like we're not already insecure enough about our changing bodies. I thank God every day my husband tells me continually that I'm beautiful. Next time tell him if you have to keep your shirt on, he has to keep his pants on.
Hehehe ...
Seriously! Tell him you don't like the look of his wrinkly b*lls so he can keep his pants on. Jerk.
Thats just mean. Your boobies may be unattractive for the moment but his wanker will ALWAYS be ugly.
Seriously, those things just arent cute.
Especially soft. ::shudders::
This just made me cry. Seriously, my tears are running down my face. I'm feeling so awkward about my body if DH said something like that to me I would just bawl my eyes out and never want to have sex with him again.
I'm so sorry your DH said this. Men just don't understand how hormonal we are and how difficult being pregnant can be.
Ok, I'd seriously beat him!!!! I agree with the wrinkly ba!! comment!!
Wankers ARE ugly. Are we supposed to get all hot and juicy and turned on when they whip that thing out and start puppeteering with it?
They remind me of these things:
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
Well I would say "well then I think you should keep your penis in your pants because that is as close as it will be getting to me"
What an insensitive Ahole. My DH thought this was rude and ridiculous too. This is a BIG no no for me. I have alot of patience with alot of stuff my DH says/does but comments about my body is WWIII and luckily he knows this. I am sorry that your DH has not yet learned this very important concept. He will soon.
9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU
Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
Yes, because BFing your infant son is going to cause him to dislike his wife's pregnant boobs.
To the OP, your DH is being an arse. I recommend walking around the house shirtless the remainder of your pregnancy.
Wonder if there is a book titled "Things You Should Not Say to Your Wife During Her Pregnancy". This would certainly be in there somewhere.
LOL! Love it!!
Sorry your DH is being such a douche. Let's all hope he works on redeeming himself.
Really rude!
BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
BFP #4 5/29 EDD 2/9 - please be our rainbow
Ouch! That's kind of harsh.
LOL!!! I almost just spewed water all over my keyboard.
Ooohh, this one might be better than the pants retort!!
If my husband said that, I would have rolled over.
End of sex.
You took my comment wrong. I was joking (very dry sense of humor).When I asked if he was or was not BF, I was implying that he maybe had a bad experience at the boob (hence why pregnancy boobs freak him out). I still think that he is an insensitive arse for even saying the comment to begin with.
That is a terrible thing to say, but a little funny. I just bought a nightgown to wear to bed and DH is like, "What are you wearing!?!?"