OMG! I have totally had to learn a new language with all these acronyms. Everytime I read one I run to this website
to figure out what is being said! Total dork I know! So, I went to look after a previous poster wanted to know what PEEN was...IT was NOT on there but THIS WAS!!! see below or PFB!!
Yes, I know I may be a complete moron but I seriously thought I was just trying to get my friend and brother-in-law's attention! I am LMBO!!
POKEHave sex with
Re: Have you ever "poked" someone on FB??
Hmm. My female cousin "poked" me....
I thought she was just getting my attention.
Yeah I thought it was an attention thing. Even if you look in the FAQ for facebook it says that the Poke button has no real job. They just put it there for people to use anyway they'd like. I always thought people mostly used it as a way to get your attention.
Guess I was wrong!
::Gasp:: Shame on you, you dirty woman!!!!!
*waggles eyebrows at Madame FancyPants
Woah. Guess I need a paternity test then. Possibly a maternity test too
This made me lol
my mom pokes me constantly... that is too funny
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015