Were you financially preparing for your LO? Or did the positive pregnancy test send you into a savings frenzy? We weren't saving for a baby, per se, but we had a little bit stashed away. Now I worry that we don't have enough saved up! How do you know when you've got enough saved to feel secure?
Re: The fun topic of finances!
I don't think I'll ever feel like we have enough to not worry about things... I'm a worrier and a "what-ifer"....
The trifecta of DOOOOOMMMMM -
1. This economic downturn is KILLING us! We have 2 restaurants in a small tourist town and guess what - no one is traveling. We are breaking even but we have to do more than that if we are going to get through a potentially slow winter.
2. On top of that the mega developer from hell bought the property we are on and is illegally trying to have us evicted. Every month it is something new. It is like one of those nightmare stories of the fiesty small town small business owner taking on the giant evil corporation that they make movies about on Lifetime. We are in the hole $70,000 right now on court costs/lawyers fees alone. DH is in a deposition as we speak.I think what is happening is they have deeper pockets and they are just trying to run us in to the ground - force us in to ruin.
3. To top that off FIL passed away last year leaving a nightmarish financial situation of business partners, back taxes, 2 large unfinished construction projects which are now upside down, an unfinished residential care facility and 23 (yes - I said 23) worthless LLC's formed for which we didn't have all the paperwork. We are now supporting MIL and trying to clean up FIL's messes as best we can. We are in to that for over $100,000.
If things were normal - we'd be fine. We lost almost all of our savings in the stock market. All the money mentioned above has come out of the equity we had in our investments. Bye - bye retirement...
Sorry about my little vent...
We'll be fine.
I don't know that it is all about saving. A lot has to do w/overall investments like property and such. I think I am looking at that as emergency back-up.
My jaw is on the floor. That's a really tough situation to be in (and that's an understatement!) I'm so sorry to hear this, but like people keep saying to me: There's a way to make it work. God knows, it'd be nice to see the way clearly sometimes.
The stock market was brutal on us too... totally changed our household $$ philosophy!!!
Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)