2nd Trimester

Anyone from Chicago or know it well?

DH and I are planning a trip there next weekend and I am trying to figure out the logistics.  We are only going to be there for two nights, so I want to make it as efficient as possible and not have to spend lots of time going back and forth on different buses or subways.  

We are getting the CityPass, which includes the Aquarium, Planetarium, Science/Omnimax Museum, Field Museum and Hancock Building (or Sears Tower, but we're going to the Hancock Bldg).  I know we aren't going to be able to squeeze in all four museum-type attractions, but we are hoping to hit 3.  Which one would you skip and how would you distribute them (we arrive Sunday early afternoon and will have all day Monday)?  

TIA for any help! 



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Re: Anyone from Chicago or know it well?

  • Don't miss the Shedd Aquarium!! 
  • I would skip the Planetarium out of your choices - it is a cool place but makes me sleepy!  You are going to be wiped out!
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  • Leap08Leap08 member
    I would make sure to hit Shedd and the Field Musuem. The other two are a toss-up for me. And the view from the Hancock building is better than from Sears, so good choice on that one.
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  • Personally I'd skip the viewing deck at the Hancock and go to the bar on the 96th floor.  The ladies room at the bar has the best view! Its pricey, but I think still a better option than the viewing deck.

    I LOVE the Field Museum.  The Pirate exhibit they have right now was really cool-though that's an extra ticket from what you have I'm sure.  The museum campus is all together so you'll be able to walk between the Shedd, Planetarium and Field.  The aquarium is really fun too-I don't know anything about their current exhibits.  The Science & Industry is down a bit further south, you'd have to drive or take a bus but its an amazing museum too.  They have a Harry Potter exhibit right now, which I've heard is very cool though also an extra ticket.  I' haven't been to the planetarium since grade school. So I'd do Field, Aquarium and Science & Industry. 

     let me know if you have other questions!

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  • I would definatly go to the Field Museum and Aquarium, the other two I am pretty indiferent about. Make sure you get some deep dish pizza while you are there!!
  • I'm from there!

    Anyway, I'd go to the Aquarium, Science Museum, and the Field musuem. But I would be sure to go to he Aquarium. Also, be sure to make it to The Taste of Chicago... but I think it'll be over when you get there!

  • Leap08Leap08 member

    Personally I'd skip the viewing deck at the Hancock and go to the bar on the 96th floor.  The ladies room at the bar has the best view! Its pricey, but I think still a better option than the viewing deck.

    Oh, you are so right! My mom lives kitty-corner from the Hancock building, and we always try to go to that bar when I visit. I can't remember what it's called - maybe Sky Bar? Really the view from the Ladies is amazing.

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  • The field museum is HUGE! Get there early, its worth it. The sicence museum also takes a full day. I have been up the sears tower after dark. That's an awesome sight. I haven't been in the hancock but have been told its really nice. The pizza at Geno's east is crave worthy.

    Depending on where you stay the hotel will shuttle you to certain attractions. If the hotel takes you to watertower place you can walk to the Hancock. The hyatt will take you to museum campus and watertower place for example.

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  • imagejustmeg8378:
    I would skip the Planetarium out of your choices - it is a cool place but makes me sleepy!  You are going to be wiped out!


    Ditto this.  The Planetarium is ok but not great...although you may be able to hit it real fast if you save it for a last minute thing. 

    accordingtoabby.com" "From of suffering emerges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars." Kahlil Gibran
  • Definitely hit Shedd and the Field Museum. I second Geno's East for pizza! The bar at Hancock is cool, but I got really dizzy being up that high for some reason. I didn't have the same problem with the Sears Tower. Navy Pier is also fun to walk around.
  • Skip the planetarium and the science museum.  Half the demos in the science museum don't even work, and a lot of it is geared towards children.

    Definitely do to the Field museum and check out the lounge in the Hancock building.  Oddly, the best view in the Hancock is from the ladies room at the lounge!

  • The Aquarium is great, Planetarium is a total waste of time and money, Field Museum is also very interesting, The Hancock Bld is a great place to go up to I think it's the 99th floor and have a drink in the bar (or at least your DH can) and enjoy the view at night, The Sears town is ok...I feel like the night view from the Handcock is better.?
  • Definitely the Hancock is better than the Sears for viewing purposes.

    Field Museum you will need a whole day for probably, same with the Science and Industry but for the Planeterium and Aquarium you may only need part of a day.  If you are skipping something, skip the Planetarium because it's not all that stimulating -- I go there on hot days for a break from the heat and a snooze in the Sky Show :o)  

    Hancock bldg is at like 900 North Michigan and the Museum Campus (except the Sci & Industry which is farther south) are only about a mile south of the Hancock and it totally do-able to travel between for a cheap cab fare or quick bus trip (for tourists, I always suggest cabs though).  

    Have a great trip!  

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  • I've only been to Chicago once, but trust me, you won't be disappointed...



  • I'd go to Shedd, Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry. 
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  • imagetigergreen:

    I've only been to Chicago once, but trust me, you won't be disappointed...



    Definitely eat there..There are a couple locations, but don't miss out on Giordano's deep dish pizza!  It is AMAZING!

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  • Am I the only one that doesn't like the Shedd?  Loved it when I was a kid.  I went last year and was very disappointed.  For the amount you pay, it's not worth it.. maybe if you've never been before, you'll like it? 

    Hope you have a Great Time!  

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