Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Any tips for going back to work from Working Moms?

I would appreciate any tips!!  I am going back on Monday after being home for 7 months with DD and I'm not looking forward to it.  She will be home with DH for the summer because he's a teacher and off for the summer so that will make things a little easier.  I guess I am looking for tips on how to maximize your time with LO when you work. I am nervous about the morning routine especially because I said I would start working out at 6am every day when I go back to work so I won't lose any time with DD in the evenings. 

We have lot on our plate right now (just bought a new house, DH is on crutches following a knee surgery, starting TTC #2 this month and me going back to work!)  DH won't be able to help out with the housework for another couple weeks because of his surgery so I am going to have to tackle it all!

Any tips??

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Re: Any tips for going back to work from Working Moms?

  • Try to plan your meals on the weekends--before you go grocery shopping--so that you know what you'll be making each night.  DH makes all the meals b/c I BF or now feed solids to DD when we first get home from work.  We also use a crockpot and have "Chinese take-out Thursdays" b/c DH has training at the firehouse each week.

    I wait and clean my kitchen and prepare bottles for the next day after DD goes to bed at 7:30/8pm.  In the mornings, I get ready for work before DD wakes, so I spend the rest of the time feeding her and getting in a little extra cuddle time.

  • Just take things one hour, one day, one week at a time.  Don't worry about the housework for the next couple of weeks.  It won't matter.
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  • For me, the anticipation of returning to work was much worse than actually being at work.  Once I returned, I felt pretty good. I think that it's great that you can transition while your DH takes care of your LO -- that will ease the anxiety of worrying about how your LO is being cared for (even though we have a great nanny, I still worried a lot in the first couple of months). 

    If you can hire someone to clean, I highly recommend it. I do not think I would feel as positive about working if I had to worry about "working" at home too.

    I also work pretty hard to protect our home/family time.  We try to keep family and friend obligations to a minimum.  This is always a challenge.


  • It does seem sort of crazy and horrible to go back until you actually do, and then its fine.  Like PP said, the anticipation of going back is about 100x worse than the reality, but realize that millions and millions of women and children do this every day and we all survive and live to tell about it.

    I don't get nearly enough time w/ my DD - about an hour in the evening and a half hour in the morning.  That part sucks, but I love my weekends!  I wouldn't worry too much about working out or the housework for awhile - get your time w/ your daughter squared away and then worry about adding other things in!  You're not superwoman and no one expects/needs you to be!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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