Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I'm watching TrueBlood

the new episode I missed earlier tonight.

Anyone else?

Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.

Re: I'm watching TrueBlood

  • My DH just watched the entire first season since he rented it at 48 hours. Ugh...I just don't like that show. It's like soft porn and has the shittiest actors....but he likes it.
  • We started watching it because it was before or after Entourage.  I'm not a huge fan, but it beats most other stuff that's on.  I agree about the soft porn.  That's what makes it HBO, right?  I just saw a preview for their new show, "Hung" about a gigilo.
    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
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