Babies: 9 - 12 Months


its after midnight, and DS is up crying in his room....again! this is the 2nd time hes done this in a week! he wakes up and just starts screaming! nightmares? teething? this is crazy!?!
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  • Sorry, no advice here but I hope you figure it out and he goes to sleep.
  • If you suspect teething do you give him anything? If he's having a bad night and I can't get him down or he wakes screaming (in pain kind) and i have issues calming him down, I will give him a half dose of motrin. It helps him a lot. I try not to do it often, but sometimes my sanity and him needing to sleep is better then not giving it to him.
    Good luck. ! I hope it gets better soon.
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  • ds does that and it's either teething or his reflux (which has happily Confused decided to show it's ugly head again)
  • it may be teething. I'm a sucker and just put DS in the bed with me if he is repeatedly getting up. You may want to try teething tablets or motrin if you think it's that bad.
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