Babies: 9 - 12 Months

weight loss after pregnancy

I am sorry if this is a repeated question but how many people returned to their pre pregnancy weight and how long did it take.  If you were breastfeeding did it happen faster?  I am just curious because I need to buy a dress for my son's baptism. I took some wait off but I am at a stand still.  Just curious.  Also for those of you that got back down to your pre pregnancy weight did it come off naturally or did you have to work for it.  Thanks.

Re: weight loss after pregnancy

  • gbtc01gbtc01 member
    I think it has a lot to do with your own body and how easy it is for you to loose weight. I normally have a hard time but since having DD I am BF and developed a thyroid issue so I lost all baby weight plus about 35 pounds. I don't know if it was more the BFing or the thyroid issue but you won't see/ hear me complaining about fitting into my old clothes from about 5 years ago.
  • I gained 50lbs with DD and lost 46 before I got PG again but then lost the remaining 4 and some extra after BFP so I ended up at a lower weight at some point before I started gaining again.

    I didn't do anything... just?breast-fed.?

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • I'm still BFing and I gained weight after having her. I lost close to 20 lbs after I delivered and then instead of continuing to lose I gained almost 10! The BFing makes me hungry like you wouldn't believe. Now I'm on WW and it's a slow and steady pace of about 1/2 to 1 lb each week.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imagegbtc01:
    I think it has a lot to do with your own body and how easy it is for you to loose weight. I normally have a hard time but since having DD I am BF and developed a thyroid issue so I lost all baby weight plus about 35 pounds. I don't know if it was more the BFing or the thyroid issue but you won't see/ hear me complaining about fitting into my old clothes from about 5 years ago.

     I agree w/pp, it depends so much on you as an individual. My weight loss went something like this-

    home from hosp- 144

    week later-137

    end of first month-127

    end of second month-115

    suddenly at 6 months pp-110 (was 112 before preg., I don't know why I suddenly dropped 5 lbs)

    This is rough, but as accurate as I can remember. I've been dancing 20-25 hours/wk since HS and added 3 jogs/wk to that in college. Since dd I've only jogged, done pilates, and taken her for walks in the stroller off and on. My mum says I have a fast metabolism but dh also points out that I am more of a fruit/veg girl than meat/junk. I also am not a boredom eater.

    I'm still 4 inches wider at the boobs and hips than I was pp and my thighs are bigger, my jeans don't fit the same.

    ETA- I EBF but she's on solids now.

  • I gained 28 pounds when I was pregnant. At first it flew off- I was back in pre-pregnancy clothes in no time, although they were a tad snug. But there was about 7 pounds or so that was a bit more stubborn and I had to try to work at. Once my son started eating solids I found that those last 7 pounds came off easier- it was like my body was hanging on to a bit of fat while he was relying solely on me to meet his nutritional needs. My son is 14 months old and I weighed myself this morning and I'm 5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I lost all the baby weight in the first couple of months after I had DS but then started gaining again (I think I'm about 5lb over pre-baby) - as pp, I get really hungry and when I'm at work, I eat out, which is not as healthy (limited choices where I work and I forget to pack lunch). So if you eat well, you may not need to exercise too much to loose the weight.
    2007 BFP#1 MMC 12w; 2008 BFP#2 DS1; 2010 BFP#3 DS2; 2011 TTC; 2013 Pursuing DIA
  • imageSpecialWife:

    suddenly at 6 months pp-110 (was 112 before preg., I don't know why I suddenly dropped 5 lbs)

    I hate your guts SpecialWife!! Wink

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • It took me no time at all, I think about 14 days.  I didn't gain much, and I'm small to begin with.  I wore a size 2 pre-pregnancy dress at my daughter's baptism, at she was 1 month and 1 day old.  I breastfed, and my breasts looked like stripper boobs at that time, but the rest of me was about the same as I've always been.  I think I am not normal with how quickly my body bounced back.  I never even needed to wear maternity jeans, I wore my regular pants until I delivered.
  • I was 221 when I got pregnant with DD. I was 231 the day I went in to have her. Three days after we brought her home, I was at 198. Now I'm at 192, and seems to be easier for me to lose weight now, but I'm too lazy!
    Breleigh & Mason
  • It really depends on a lot of factors. I was 145 lbs when I got pregnant, gained 35 during pregnancy, and now I weigh 125 lbs. I EBF, no pumping, no bottles, and DS still nurses between 5 and 8 times a day.
  • If you are able to lose weight pretty easily, you shouldn't have a problem.

    I gained 37lbs during my pregnancy, and I still have a good 20lbs to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight.  It sucks...I eat well, I walk every day and DS was EBF for 6 months and still nurses 4-5x a day.  Those last pounds won't budge unless I really work at it, which then means my milk supply tanks.

    It just depends on your body! 

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  • I gained 35lbs, although most of it was water weight that I gained the last 2 mos of pg (I think I gained 20lbs those last 2 months).  At 4 weeks pp I had lost 20lbs, 6 weeks - 25lbs and the rest has slowly melted away and I eat HORRIBLY.  I now weigh 5lbs less than pp although I'm sure my boobs weigh an extra 5-10lbs so prob more.  My waist is still as big as it was pp, maybe bigger. 

    Since you are asking because of clothing...even though I had lost most of my weight in the first month my belly was about 2-3 sizes bgger than pre-pg so take that into's not just about the weight.

  • imagemrsmatto:

    suddenly at 6 months pp-110 (was 112 before preg., I don't know why I suddenly dropped 5 lbs)

    I hate your guts SpecialWife!! Wink

    Aw Mrsmatto, I'm only a little over 5 ft. so I just look "normal."

  • I gained a total of 18lbs when I was pregnant.  I was in pre-preg jeans less than 2 weeks after DS was born.  I lost all the weight by 10 days pp.  I lost an additional 20lbs by 2 months pp.  I've been stuck there ever since.  I'd like to lose an additional 10lbs, but if I do more than walk or cut back my calories at all, it effects my supply, so I guess I'll have to wait until I wean to try and lose any more weight.
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