Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How is your 6 month old, in the car and restaurants?

We're going away at the end of July, and DS will be 6 months.  Right now, he's a terror in the car and restaurants, and i'm prayinggg he gets better in the next 5 weeks haha.

How's your lo in cars and restaurants?  Give me hope please!! :)

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Re: How is your 6 month old, in the car and restaurants?

  • In the car for short trips, or in restaurants at the appropriate time, she's fine.  But she's usually a pretty calm and curious girl anyway.  We just have to time things right--in between naps, etc.  This morning we went out to breakfast at 8am...after bottle, before nap...and she was great.  The only other ppl in there were parents with babies and old folks, LOL.
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  • DS is surprisingly good in the car and restaurants...everyone always says how quiet and well-behaved he is.  But that's totally due to his personality, not taking any credit here!  But I do agree with the pp, a lot has to do with making sure they are well-rested and well-fed and bringing small toys to keep him occupied.

    Just try not to worry, your LO is still little and it's totally ok if he isn't perfect, he doesn't know any better!  Hopefully no one makes you feel bad, and if they do, they obviously don't have kids.  The only thing really you can do other than what I listed above is to make sure you go to family friendly restaurants so you know that you wont be the only family with a baby! 

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  • Thanks :) 

    We just had an awful experience tonight, and everyone in the restaurant was giving us the look, and we felt the need to leave ASAP :(

    It stinks when it happens.  I'm just hoping it gets easier :)

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  • DS has always been good in the car - he falls asleep immediately and I have been known to take "nap laps" when he was a newborn.  He's pretty good in restaurants too but like everyone has already said, timing is everything  and you need to pick places that are kid friendly.  I favor louder places so no one can hear DS is he does start getting cranky.

    There were a few times that we've had to quickly leave a restaurant but that happens and every parent can relate to that. 

  • DD went through a phase like this but grew out of it (although she still has her moments).
  • I've been blessed with an easy baby. She's great in the car and restaurants. Really she only gets minimally fussy if she's tired or hungry, in which case we put her to sleep (she can sleep in restaurants/it's like white noise to her) or we feed her.

    After my most recent long flight with her, people commented that she was the best baby they'd ever been on a flight with.  And we even went to dinner after that and people again commented on what a happy baby she was.

    That's great....but I'm sure tomorrow (we fly again for 4 hours straight) my luck will have run out!

  • She's awesome. But we really make sure she eats at regular times and has her naps each day. Anything we do is more so around her routine. That way, when we do have a dinner that we know will run late, we adjust her routine and she usually bounces back quickly. People always comment on her sunny disposition, but I attribute some of it to the calmness of her life.

    ETA: And she was always like this, except for a few times when we didn't realize the importance of a bedtime. Around two months we thought she could still sleep in her carrier, but she was at a point she needed to be in a crib or pnp.

  • DD was always really good in the car. She slept as soon as I put the car in first gear from birth up until I switched her to the convertible carseat (about a month and a half ago).  She's still good in the car, she talks to the radio and waves to me in the mirror and plays w/this phone toy that i keep in the car.

    She's also good in restaurants. She just loves looking around at everything and everyone, waving at people, smiling, laughing.

    I dont know if she is so good because we just always took her wherever we went right off the bat, or if it is something else...

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  • K is usually fine in the car as long as someone is sitting back by her, and when she is alone in the back she is okay unless she is really tired.  Same with restaurants.  If she is really tired then she will cry, but otherwise she is good.  Usually we have to hold her, but that is no big deal for me.
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