Babies: 9 - 12 Months

s/o saving pocketbook

ok, i was floored when you girls were saying you spend $200-$500/month for electric.  Just wondering how much is a typical amount?  I thought $100 was a lot, but that was with the ac blazing in August...[Poll]
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Re: s/o saving pocketbook

  • Our last electric bill was $14 and odd change.
  • For some reason my electric bill was $525 this month. It usually runs around 250-300. Yes, it sucks!!


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  • Our electric bill is regularly about $600 a month, we jump for joy when it's below $400 (although that typically only happens 1-2 times a year).  When it's 100+ degrees outside and you have single pane original windows from the stone ages, it adds up. 
  • Ours is usually 120 in the summer with the ac always blasting. ?My sister has a bunch bigger home and hers is around $500 she said.?
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