Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I still think the bump should have

A formula feeding board. They have a bfing board, which is great, but I see all the questions and remeber all the questions I had when I went to ff, and I think it would be useful for all us ff ladies to have a board for that as well. Just my .02 since this board is so slow today, :)
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Re: I still think the bump should have

  • I think the last thing the nestbump needs is yet another highly specialized board.  It's way too split as it is, which is why most of the boards are so painstakingly slow.  Instead, maybe change the breastfeeding board to Newborn Feeding or something.
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  • imageBuckets of Moonbeams:
    I think the last thing the nestbump needs is yet another highly specialized board.? It's way too split as it is, which is why most of the boards are so painstakingly slow.? Instead, maybe change the breastfeeding board to Newborn Feeding or something.

    Breastfeeding is not just for newborns.

  • imagemrs.baum:

    imageBuckets of Moonbeams:
    I think the last thing the nestbump needs is yet another highly specialized board.  It's way too split as it is, which is why most of the boards are so painstakingly slow.  Instead, maybe change the breastfeeding board to Newborn Feeding or something.

    Breastfeeding is not just for newborns.

    I dont think she meant that BF is ONLY for newborns, but that the board should make that board for questions on BF and FF

  • imageTricia107:

    imageBuckets of Moonbeams:
    I think the last thing the nestbump needs is yet another highly specialized board.? It's way too split as it is, which is why most of the boards are so painstakingly slow.? Instead, maybe change the breastfeeding board to Newborn Feeding or something.

    Breastfeeding is not just for newborns.

    I dont think she meant that BF is ONLY for newborns, but that the board should make that board for questions on BF and FF

    Oh ok. I apologize then. It's a sore spot for me and fresh on my mind. I went to BIL's graduation party and BF DS while I was there. I then had to spend the rest of the time defending why I was "still" BF.?

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