Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I'd like to compare notes...

How much does your 7 month old eat?  Bottles and stage two foods? Sometimes I just don't know how much to be giving her...

Re: I'd like to compare notes...

  • Here is Sawyer's schedule:

    wake up - 6 oz bottle

    7:30 - yogurt or fruit

    8:30 - 4 oz. bottle

    11:30 - fruit or veggie

    12:30 - 6 oz. bottle

    usually a bottle sometime in between here

    5:00 - fruit, veggie, or meat

    6:00 - 6 oz. bottle


  • and after each jar of food he eats, he usually gets some puffs or other small finger food to proactice feeding himself
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  • DS varies. He is up anywhere between 6am-730am. He gets 5-6 bottles of 6oz each. I feed him breakfast about 1hr after his first bottle. He gets puffs and yogurt melts throughout the day. He doesn't know how to feed himself so he usually ends up frustrated with it. I feed him dinner around 6p then bath, cuddle, bottle, bed around 8-9p. I need to start adding a 3rd meal in there now.

    9/24/2011 Plymouth Firefighters 5k: 47:13
    11/12/2011 Diva Dash 5k: 45:45
    5/5/2012 STEM school 5k TBD Coming up in 2012:
    6/10/2012 Walk to Remember SIDS foundation 5k
    (in memory of a sweet baby boy)
    11/10/2012 Diva Dash 5k
  • 6:15 - 8 oz. bottle

    8:30 - 4-5 oz. fruit/oatmeal

    11:00 - 8 oz. bottle

    1:30 - 1/3 cup yogurt, 1 oz. fruit

    4:00 - 8 oz. bottle

    6:30 - 6-7oz. veg/rice

    11:00 - dreamfeed 8 oz. bottle

     He's always been a big eater and never tells me when he's full, I just cut him off at a certain point because he'll just keep going.

    DS 5 years old
    DD 2 years old
    {Baby GIRL due 6.1}

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 3 8oz bottles at 8:30, 1, 5;30 and then a 4-6 oz one right before bed

    2 4oz jars of solids + 3TBsp to thicken them - 9am and 7pm...

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  •  DS will be 7 months this week.

    Wake up around 8am - 6 oz bottle

    9am - 1 tablespoon oatmeal, 1 tablespoon fruit

    Noon - 6 oz bottle

    1pm - 2 tablespoons fruit, 2 tablespoons vegetable

    4pm - 6 oz bottle

    5pm - 1 tablespoon oatmeal, 1 tablespoon vegetable

    8pm - 6 oz bottl 



  • I make my own food, so I'm going by cubes.

    Usually something like this...

    Breakfast- 4 cubes of fruit with plain yogurt and oatmeal.

    Lunch- 4 cubes of veggie with 1/4 cup of grain

    Dinner- 3 cubes of veggie with grain and sometimes 2 cubes of fruit with a little oatmeal.

    He nurses 7-9 times a day/night, too.

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