After doing a lot of thinking, it's fairly unlikley we are going to be able to come up with the money needed to do a domestic or international adoption. At this point even 10,000 is going to be pretty hard in today's economy.
We are thinking of going the route of foster to adopt through a local county. There are some significant risks but the programs are almost free. Was wondering if anyone was doing this and if so, do you have a blog so I can follow your story?
Re: anyone doing a foster/adopt through their county?
This is the path we are taking as well. We did not use an agency, but are going right through our county's Child Protective Services. Honestly, I did not know there was any other option.
We had to do about 30 hours of training over the course of a month, lots of references, lots of background checks, lots of interviews, etc.
We submitted our paperwork in Oct, was licensed in Feb and received our current placement on March 11th.
We currently have a 3 year old boy and we really hope to adopt him, of course if his case goes that way. His case is very much up in the air at the moment, so who know where it will go.
I do have a blog, and on the right side column, I have topic headers for this very topic, including a Q&A section.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. There are a few of us on this board
My Blog
we're just starting this process....we start our classes on tuesday and we're slowly working ont he paperwork ( very very slowly) i'm excited and ready to get going and get approved....we're still going to try fertility stuff once we get our dr bills and stuff paid off...which might be awhile..but for now this is the route we're going
IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010
March 2015- Chemical pg
1/25/16- BFP Beta1 12dpo = 17, Beta 2 14 dpo = 28.. resulted in one beautiful boy born 9/21/16
Now I'm a stay at home loving life and pursuing my love of photography!!!
We are going the route of foster to adopt. In our area there are the county offices, and there's private agencies that the state contracts out so many foster cases a year. After having a bad experience (In fact, multiple) we have decided to go through a private agency, and so far we've been pretty happy with them. Right now, we are halfway there, hoping to be licensed to be foster parents in the fall! Very exciting
I have a blog, it's in my signature
We are doing foster/adopt through a private agency. Our agency only works with older children (8 and up) but they do not all have serious problems. Our agency also deals primarily with children who are already TPR, so we are dealing with much less risk of the children leaving our home. All agencies have different requirements and work with slightly different populations, so just make sure you do your research.
So far I am realtively pleased. Just one hiccup so far with my stupid fingerprints and our SW is going on maternity leave so we will have a brand new SW (not just new to us, new as in she started a month ago), so that should be interesting. Our approval meeting was originally scheduled for this week, but needs to be rescheduled due to my fingerprints basically being on the wrong letterhead. We should have that meeting in the next few weeks. After that matching begins.
Good luck in your journey!
Not all the children that go to private agency foster homes have "serious problems". We are licensed as a therapuetic foster home, so we CAN get those children. However, we're not there yet to take such problems. The children we've have had have typical foster children problems - delays, some emotional problems and trauma. We are experiencing our first ADHD child, but that's it. Also, our agency ranges from newborn - 18. So like a pp said - all agencies are different.