Babies: 9 - 12 Months

What is your best moment as a Mommy?

Since the poll below had the funniest moment, what is the best or most special moment you have experienced since becoming a mom?
Kylie 10/21/08
Twin Ectopic - lost left tube 12/29/10
Surprise BFP EDD 8/21/13

Re: What is your best moment as a Mommy?

  • It is hard for me to think of one particular situation, I was a mess after my c/s so I know it was not at her birth, but now when you lay her down to change her diaper she always looks straight into my eyes and it seriously melts my heart.  She will also stroke her fingers on my arm when you give her a bottle, I love it!  I also love when she is tired and buries her head in my chest and sucks her thumb.

    Kylie 10/21/08
    Twin Ectopic - lost left tube 12/29/10
    Surprise BFP EDD 8/21/13
  • This one will sound weird, but anytime I see the kids giving each other the super-bright smile that they only give to one another, it just makes my heart want to explode. They already have this amazing bond, and I hope it lasts (even though I'm sure they will fight a lot as teenagers haha).

    Yesterday, Evan was asking to go play outside and I said "well maybe when your friends go out to play" (we live in a townhouse complex and our neighbours on either side are friends of ours with kids Evan's age) and he turned and looked at me with the most honest face and said, "Mama...Abby is Beban's fwend" (trans: Abby is Evan's friend lol). 

    I wanted to die. So sweet. 

    I have a lot of awesome mommy moments. My kids are pretty great, no matter how crazy they make me on any given

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  • It's hard to pick a single moment.  The most precious thing for me now is at night when I give her last bottle and she falls asleep on my shoulder.  She makes these little pathetic whiny noises when she is fighting sleep and then she just gives in.  When she was a newborn she slept on me all the time but now that she can roll, crawl and everything else she doesn't hold still much.  So when she falls asleep with her head on my shoulder it's so precious to me now.  When I had PPD really bad and she was only a few weeks old and I was really exhausted just watching her sleep and looking at her would always make me feel a little better. 
  • When I kiss her neck and she giggles.  Just this week she started grabbing my face with both her hands and giving me a big, slobbery, open mouth kiss...SO cute!
  • imageMrs.Provost:

    This one will sound weird, but anytime I see the kids giving each other the super-bright smile that they only give to one another, it just makes my heart want to explode. They already have this amazing bond, and I hope it lasts (even though I'm sure they will fight a lot as teenagers haha).

    Yesterday, Evan was asking to go play outside and I said "well maybe when your friends go out to play" (we live in a townhouse complex and our neighbours on either side are friends of ours with kids Evan's age) and he turned and looked at me with the most honest face and said, "Mama...Abby is Beban's fwend" (trans: Abby is Evan's friend lol). 

    I wanted to die. So sweet. 

    I have a lot of awesome mommy moments. My kids are pretty great, no matter how crazy they make me on any given

    I knw exactlly what you are talking about when you mention the look they give each other..  I love it too!!  but I have 2, one for each kid.  With my son the best is when just out of no where he tells me mommy I love you so much, and give me a great big hug... that always does for me, and with my daughter is when she leans in to bump head and then follows with this great big sqeezing hug and then just lets me keep hugging her and stays cheek to cheek with me...  It very tender, and I'm so happy that being so small she loves to just hug me...  

  • sorry didn't spell check before...
  • DS rubs his face when he's tired. The other day, he grabbed my hand and used it to rub his face. I about died from the cuteness :)
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