Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Another Plane Question - strollers

I know I'm probably over thinking this but on the Northwest website it says you can gate check an "umbrella style" stroller. We were planning on bringing our Graco Metrolite stroller and checking it at the gate. It doesn't fold down as small as an umbrella stroller but it does fold flat and it is pretty light. Does anyone know how strict they are about the umbrella stroller policy?

DD 4yo DS 1yo

Re: Another Plane Question - strollers

  • I just flew Northwest on the 8th and gate checked my whole travel system (graco passage) with no problem. They were the most helpful airline I have ever flown on.

    DD was getting fussy on the plane while landing and the flight attendant on behind us was shining her flashlight playing with DD to help keep her calm (we were in rough weather)

  • I've seen tons of people roll up with full size strollers or travel systems and not have an issue. ?We've flown Jet Blue, American, and Continental and I've seen big strollers gate checked on all those.

    But now I'm curious to see your responses, because we're flying NWA next week and are taking our jogger along. ?I'm screwed if I can't gate check it- I'm traveling alone with DS and we have a tight connection in a hugeass airport. ?Eek.

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  • I think they mostly do it to get people to bring their smaller strollers because even though I haven't flown NW, I have travelled with as big of a stroller as a double BOB (jogger) and a double Peg Perego and get checked them without an issue.

    The issue may be if you are flying close by and are going on a smaller plane, thenthe space could potentially be a bit more limited but I have also taken smaller planes with the doubles and no issues.


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