what (non serious) thing are you going to be adament that your kid is in the know about?
If I have a girl I am going to make sure that she understands how to wear a belt so her ass crack doesn't hang out and that she understands that there are different bras with different straps for a reason. If you are wearing a racerback tank top then you need a racerback bra, a regular bra looks hideous!
With my son, I am going to make sure he stays away from those girls Seriously though, he is going to learn about hanging towels up, putting clothes in the hamper and that skinny jeans look good on about .01% of boys who wear them.
Re: random poll: teaching your kids
Ha ha
I'm going to teach my boys about skanky girls and condoms. I don't want my grandbabies to have an evil SM like me.
that is my number 1 trash thing i do. i love bra straps LOL if i have on a black racerback tank, then id wear a leopard reg bra.(sometimes - trash has its place and i know thats not everywhere LOL)
I am e-judging you right now
LOL @ this post!
I will probably of course teach DD that beauty comes from within and that makeup is not required, ever. I totally agree with teaching to cover herself with age-appropriate clothes, too.
If I have a son, he will know how to do laundry, dishes, cooking, and how to clean. And I hope to teach him to respect girls and not be shallow (not to only go for girls that dress slutty, trampy, etc).
I will teach my girls how to apply eyeliner without looking like a hooker. Girls today have such a heavy hand with eyeliner, and it starts waaaaaay too young.
I don't have boys, and I think this uterus is closed for business, so I don't need to worry about that part.
With DS I want him to be neat like his daddy - make his bed after himself, do the dishes, put the toilet seat down, etc. etc. ?DH is sort of a neat freak but I honestly love it! ?I don't have a slob to clean up after which is great. ?I also want to teach him (and all my kids) proper manners - how to eat properly, hold doors open for others, pull out chairs, say please and thank you, all that good stuff. ?Kids nowadays can be so rude and aren't taught proper etiquette. ?
Even though it's old-fashioned I want my children to follow some of those rules!