Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone give baby homemade baby food and jarred as well?

Like the green beans...I really wanted to start her on all the greens first, but I'm reading that the beans and peas will not have a smooth consistency, and I'd like them to be as smooth as poss if I'm going to start her out with them.

I'm thinking of buying some jars of those kinds of veggies and also attempt to make my own for the ones that aren't so "challenging", haha.

Jen, married 09.07.07
Sydney, born 11.26.08

Re: Anyone give baby homemade baby food and jarred as well?

  • I tried to do both, but he ended up hating the stuff that i made. It wasn't the right texture. He still doesn't like the homemade stuff, which surprises me since I have to add 3 tbsp of cereal to thicken up the jar food. Oh well, it's not that expensive to buy the food, and I buy organic stuff so the sugars and stuff are lower then regular stuff.
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  • I've made pears, peaches, sweet potatoes, peas, and avocado myself. I  keep intending to try carrots and squash next, but haven't gotten around to it. But we feed her the organic jarred stuff when we're traveling, or when I don't have time to make a new batch. She loves jarred prunes, doesn't like peas at all (mine OR jarred), and will eat pears all day long, no matter who made them!
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  • imagejess1984:
    I tried to do both, but he ended up hating the stuff that i made. It wasn't the right texture. He still doesn't like the homemade stuff, which surprises me since I have to add 3 tbsp of cereal to thicken up the jar food. Oh well, it's not that expensive to buy the food, and I buy organic stuff so the sugars and stuff are lower then regular stuff.


    This is good to hear bc while I'd like to make all of the food, I now realize it might require more work than I thought, so I am contemplating using both. I'd really like to start off with homemade stuff, but I don't know what to start with in terms of a homemade green veggie.

    Jen, married 09.07.07
    Sydney, born 11.26.08
  • We kept some jars on hand for convenience, and I always used jars of banana because the slimy texture of fresh mashed banana was kind of gross to me.  My advice is not to worry too much about the texture until you know what your baby likes.  For example, I made green beans and peas as smooth as I could (but not at as smooth as jarred) and that was what my DD ended up liking.  After just a few weeks she was practicing chewing and wanted lots of chunks, and then went completely to table food at 8 months.  Just experiment with it- your LO will let you know when something is good, or bad.
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  • I do both. I like to "test' foods in a jar before I make a whole batch and find out that she doesn't like it. There are some things she will only eat if I make them. I also don't make food when we travel, I buy jars or tubs.
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  • The first veggies I gave her were peas and I made them myself. She didn't like the flavor, but the consistency was ok, although they weren't as smooth as the jar peas. She had already been on cereal for a month and the peas were about the concistency I made her cereal. I also use store bought as well, but I think she is ready to move on to the next step up in those. I want to finish using what I have then take a day to make my own for her.
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