Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How did you transition to cow's milk?

I just gave DS his first cow's milk bottle this morning.  Is that all I should give him for today?  I'm not sure what the best way to transition is...
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Re: How did you transition to cow's milk?

  • I actually started this week, by giving him two oz in two of the bottles he gets during the day (mixed with left over frozen breast milk). Next week, I will up it to 3 oz and see how we go from there. Some people just give it to their children , but I didn't want him to have an upset stomach.
  • I tried mixing it with DD bottle's and she refused. Handed her a sippy with milk in it and she did just fine.


    ETA: We give her a little milk and water throughout the day and still give her an AM and PM bottle as well as usually one more throughout the day. We will probably drop her afternoon bottle shortly as she seems less and less interested. We'll see though. I'm not desperate to have her switched ASAP. 

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