how did you do it? If we go out I usually just feed him a banana but we will be away from home for almost a week and staying at a hotel. Any advice, should I just buy some jar food? Thanks
Oh and is it ok that I got out some maternity clothes from last summer and plan on wearing them??? I this a horrible don't or acceptable? I think they look kinda cute and not very maternity. I am still around 5 lbs from prepreg and the clothes from two years ago don't fit or I already gave them to goodwill.
Re: If you make your own baby food and have gone on vacation ....
because we flew on our most recent vacation, i just bought a few jars. we have a food mill too, so when we'd go out to restaurants, i would order steamed to a mush broccoli, carrots or other veggies & puree them with that. all in all, it wasn't that hard. restaurants were very kind to us about everything. and i'm pretty sure DS ate a lot of mashed potatoes when it was DH's turn to puree the food at meal times.
good luck!
MamaPhan|boy (n): a noise with dirt on it
No, I don't do jars. I just pack a good supply of bananas, then an assortment of frozen cubes. Call ahead to see if your hotel has a fridge/freezer in the room. Almost all decent hotels do. Then, when you are going to be out, just throw some cubes into a container and stick it in a small thermal bag (like what people use to take bottles out). Mash with a fork when ready to serve.
And yes, I still love some of my maternity clothes too! Luckly, "flowy" is in style