Babies: 9 - 12 Months

my dad pics didn't come out so great lol

they're funny though. these were the best of them all lol. 




Re: my dad pics didn't come out so great lol

  • I love the A. He looks like he's about to devour it. The shirt is fantastic as well. Where do you find all his cute rockstar clothes.

    Oh, we're thinking (natalie and I) of going to the aquarium on July 12th (I think- whatever the Sunday after the 4th is)...wanna come?

  • I think they're cute. They will just remind you that ds was at an age where he wanted to taste everything. Love his hair! DD's won't stay like that once it's dried.
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  • imagestar173:

    I love the A. He looks like he's about to devour it. The shirt is fantastic as well. Where do you find all his cute rockstar clothes.

    Oh, we're thinking (natalie and I) of going to the aquarium on July 12th (I think- whatever the Sunday after the 4th is)...wanna come?

    the A cracks me up! i usually make them, but this one is an etsy creation!

    the aquarium sounds awesome! i'd love to go!

  • Adorable!  I love his little mohawk.  Also, where did you get that shirt?
  • imagetifvolley:
    Adorable!  I love his little mohawk.  Also, where did you get that shirt?

    it's from geeklingdesign's etsy store. there are a ton of super cute things there!

  • I think they look hillarious! And L-O-V-E the mawhawk!!!
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