Babies: 9 - 12 Months


i'm only loyal to kittengator.


  • Yes
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • I don't care- I love your new siggy pic (not sure how new it is...sorry if it's been there for weeks, haha). That is soooo cute. He looks like such a big boy now!!
  • Loading the player...
  • and you're in my "handful."
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • thank you!!  i just put it up today.  i took it a couple weeks ago though.
  • I am loyal to kittengator too, because she doesn't allow me to kill posts.Big Smile
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageminda31807:
    I am loyal to kittengator too, because she doesn't allow me to kill posts.Big Smile

    Replying just in case....?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • KG- did Alana put that bow on her head or was she trying to take it off? I'm asking because lately, everytime K finds something new, she holds it up over her she's showing it off or something.
  • imagestar173:
    KG- did Alana put that bow on her head or was she trying to take it off? I'm asking because lately, everytime K finds something new, she holds it up over her she's showing it off or something.

    Yes! She does that with everything!! GMTA!?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • imageKittenGator:

    KG- did Alana put that bow on her head or was she trying to take it off? I'm asking because lately, everytime K finds something new, she holds it up over her she's showing it off or something.

    Yes! She does that with everything!! GMTA! 

    Haha. What is GMTA?

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