I am on the 2 under 2 train. DS learned to crawl about two months ago and is now learning to cruise along furniture.
For the most part this pg is going the same as the first. Most noticable differences are: seemingly more tired(I think that is just due to the fact that with DS I could lay around and nap when I wanted too, this time I can't), hemorriods, hungrier and more pelvic pain.
im 31 weeks pg and my DD turns 1 on monday... I only had 5 months in between pregnancies. I too find myself more tired this time, trying to keep up with my little stinker and not being able to np as much. I also found that im alot more uncomfortable alot sooner in my pregnancy then I was with DD.
DD isnt walking yet but man can she scoot across the floor fast! We babyproffed the living roomn and put up a baby gate so she couldnt escape, that seemed to help, and let me sit on the couch more when im not feeling good. Its just gona get more fun when DC #2 makes it's entrance in august!
I think us 2 under 2 moms deserve an award for sacrificing our bodies and our sanity....
Re: Who is headed for 2 under 2?
I am on the 2 under 2 train. DS learned to crawl about two months ago and is now learning to cruise along furniture.
For the most part this pg is going the same as the first. Most noticable differences are: seemingly more tired(I think that is just due to the fact that with DS I could lay around and nap when I wanted too, this time I can't), hemorriods, hungrier and more pelvic pain.
im 31 weeks pg and my DD turns 1 on monday... I only had 5 months in between pregnancies. I too find myself more tired this time, trying to keep up with my little stinker and not being able to np as much. I also found that im alot more uncomfortable alot sooner in my pregnancy then I was with DD.
DD isnt walking yet but man can she scoot across the floor fast! We babyproffed the living roomn and put up a baby gate so she couldnt escape, that seemed to help, and let me sit on the couch more when im not feeling good. Its just gona get more fun when DC #2 makes it's entrance in august!
I think us 2 under 2 moms deserve an award for sacrificing our bodies and our sanity....
mine will be 15 months apart. this pregnancy is pretty similar, lots of m/s.
S is keeping me on my toes with the crawling/pulling up!! i do NOT need to work out--he keeps me busy enough.