Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Some boy in my class injured a girl today. >:(

These guys are incoming freshmen.  She apparently knows him as friends  from junior high and has worked with him as a partner a couple times, may even like him romantically.  She's a sweetheart-- he's a little jerk.  Then dude grabs her ear and twists it.  She ends up crying in class.  Indifferent 

I understand boys get dumb and have to touch each other and smack each other, but isn't it an unspoken rule -- or a spoken one-- they don't do that stuff to girls?  If he thought he was joking or flirting, why would it seem like a good idea to twist her ear?  And she accepted it from him.  Not acceptable.  Especially after what happened to my student Laura 2 months ago because of the things her own sister accepted from her boyfriend.

I wrote his punkass up. 



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Re: Some boy in my class injured a girl today. >:(

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    Good for you for writing his punkass up.  Especially given the recent DV related death at your school that kind of sh!t should not be tolerated.
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    Did you talk to her to find out why she thought that was okay of him?  If she takes that from guys she likes, she's setting herself up to be abused.

    Glad you wrote him up....hope there's consequences.

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