Babies: 9 - 12 Months

7 month old crawling and pulling up

My little seven and a half month old baby started crawling and pulling up on everything all at once. While I am thrilled this is a little bit scary because he has tons of strength in his legs but absolutely no balance. I'm afraid he is going to hurt himself when he topples over. I'm sure nothing can be done to prevent this but if anybody has any advice on something they did I would appreciate it.
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Re: 7 month old crawling and pulling up

  • DD has been pulling up for a month but just started to army crawl. She's actually getting quite graceful at falling over. She's only had two times that caused tears (poor baby!).
  • I got better for my ds after a couple of weeks. At first he was getting hurt all the time, but now he has learned how to get down when he pulls himself up. And he has much better balance.
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  • Did you standby and help them get back down without getting hurt? Or is falling down a way for them to learn on their own?
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  • sometimes falling and boo boos are inevitable.

    DS was crawling and pulling up by 7 mos too - and now he's getting ballsier and lets to to try and walk.

    even if i'm right there sometimes he still goes down and has occasionally gotten the bruise or bump to prove it. 

  • I think that falling down and getting "owies" is part of the territory. That being said, I am usually nearby when DD is doing her own thing so that if she falls I am there but it's hard to catch them when they fall because you have to be pretty quick.  DD knows how to get down by herself but she is still slow at it, she has fallen from a standing position, flat back and I think it scares me more than her, she cries for a second and that's it. 
  • This is really hard for me not to be right there. I do think they need to fall to understand a little bit. But I do try to move things out of his way. He loves to pull up on his knees at the sofa so I push the coffee table back a bit so if he does fall it isn't on that. Luckily, DS isn't much of a crier when he falls. I can't stand it though. I don't know, it sometimes hard to know what to do and what not to do.
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  • I just made sure I was nearby in the beginning, we have wood floors so I was always afraid of him hitting his head. His balance improved quite a bit once he got used to pulling himself up.
  • When he falls down and it doesn't look like it hurt too badly and he is mostly startled I say something like Uh Oh.  The couple of times that he hit his head on the coffee table or a hard plastic toy on his way down I scooped him up and put a little icepack thing on it.  I got the icepack at walmart.  Its called a frostybear - a little gel filled bear that we keep in the freezer.  I am sure it just makes me feel better that I am doing something to help - it likely isn't helping him that much.  I will say that he has hit his head prettyt hard a few times but he has always been just fine!

  • Thanks for the advice... I really knew that there wasn't anything I could do to prevent it it is just hard to stand around and watch him fall
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