Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Starting Ferber tonight.

I'm really nervous. We've been co-sleeping for the past few weeks just so I could get some good sleep. She needs to be in her own crib though, she moves around like crazy and it's just not safe. Anyone have any tips or words of wisdom? I'm sure I won't sleep at all tonight :(

Re: Starting Ferber tonight.

  • My only words of wisdom from having Ferbered other peoples kids (i was a nanny) is keep a box of tissues by your side. You are likely to cry as much as your kid will.

  • We are on day 7 of Ferber. So far, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I just have to remind myself that DS is not crying because he is hungary, has a wet diaper, is uncomfortable, or in pain. He is just crying because he is mad. (The look on his face isn't pathetic either, it is just pissed.)

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

    Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

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  • We started CIO two nights ago (we're at 9 months).  The first night she wailed for two hours.  I had to hide in the bedroom with the TV blasting and let DH stay with her.  At 4:30am, she woke up again and cried for 40 minutes before I gave in and got her.  Last night was a little better - helped that I had something to do out of the house until 9pm.  It just sucks in general.
  • Was your DD in her own crib before you started cosleeping a few weeks ago? I was just wondering if you had her in her own crib and she would just wake all the time and that is why you are trying Ferber now.  If she had never been in her own crib before I was going to suggest waiting on Ferber until she at least has some sense of being "used to" her crib.  We didn't do Ferber we just did straight CIO and the first night DD cried for 20 min or so before falling asleep again (this was after being asleep for 2 hours) then woke one other time in the middle of the night for a few minutes. We did this at 4 months.  Then at about 5.5 months she was still waking at about 4:30am which I think was just habit and for two mornings I just let her cry (maybe she cried 10 min) and that habit was no longer.  But you just have to read the cries once is all said and done. DD sleeps through the night usually and if she doesn't I try and read the cry to tell if she's actually in pain or needs something vs. just wanting someone to come get her.  Half the time I end up getting her anyway!

  • MrsoshMrsosh member

    Tonight will be night 7 for us as well.  I just wanted to say that you will be so glad that you sleep trained!  I'm kind of wishing that I had done this sooner, but I was really secretly hoping that DS would start STTN on his own.  Going down to sleep has never been a problem, it was just the night waking that we needed to eliminate.  

    DS has completely STTN 3 times since we started, and the other nights he has woken up but cried himself back to sleep within 5 minutes without any intervention from me.  It was hard the first night, but not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  He cried for 30 minutes the first time he woke and 15 minutes the next time.  I just kept telling myself that it was the best thing for all of us, and it really has been!  We both have so much more energy during the day so we can really enjoy our time together!


    Happily Married since 7/2006
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  • Mrs.VMrs.V member
    We started with CIO for getting DS to sleep at night (still dealing with night wakings....which are often!).  I thought it'd be AWFUL...DS is stubborn and I thought he'd cry for a long time but he cried 20 mins, 15 mins, 15 mins, 3 mins for the first 4 nights respectively and he now goes to bed awake and puts himself to sleep without crying! Good luck!
  • Why do you think co-sleeping isn't safe? Is she waking you up b/c of her moving around?
  • imagemrs.baum:
    Why do you think co-sleeping isn't safe? Is she waking you up b/c of her moving around?

    I'm SO afraid that DH or I will roll on top of her, or that her arm will get stuck under one of us and she'll end up breaking it..or she'll end up face-first in one of our, just paranoid!! She actually moves around a lot and ends up sleeping in all different directions. Neither of us is getting much sleep! ?

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