Babies: 9 - 12 Months

RP-All CD'ing mommies-help please

            We are new to CD'ing. We got the happy Heinys and are happy with them, although I cannot get the urine smell out of them. Please share the steps you use from when you take the CD off the baby. I have been putting them in the pail and washing the following day with a tide detergent that their website says is safe. We also put them in the dryer on hot(as per directions), but some sites say not to put it on hot. Ugh. Its so hard to know what to do because there is so much information out there that contradicts one another.


Re: RP-All CD'ing mommies-help please

  • Is it the Tide powder detergent?  That's the safe one, not the Tide Free and Clear liquid.

    Also, do you do two wash cycles followed by a rinse?  I do one cold wash. one hot wash, and one cold rinse.

    ETA: I hang my pocket diapers to dry or dry on low heat.  I dry the microfiber and hemp inserts on medium or low heat.

  • We CD'd until 8 months.

    The smell could be due to too much detergent... you only need a tiny bit, way less then the recommended amount for clothes and it's kind of hard to get it right at first.?

    Or maybe you don't rinse the soap enough? it's harder if there's too much soap. I always added an extra rinse cycle if I thought I put too much.

    If you open the washer during the rinse and see soap bubbles, you should run it again.?

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  • Getting the laundry routine is a hard initial step to CDing, but once you get it settled it's a breeze after that. So hang in there!

    Can you describe the smell problems in more detail: is it an immediate, noxious smell as soon as LO pees? That is ammonia and likely due to detergent buildup. You may be using too much detergent, you aren't rinsing it out enough, or perhaps Tide powder just doesn't work for you.

    The solution is to strip the diapers (lots of ways to do this). Then I would suggest either trying less Tide or switching detergents altogether. I love, love Country Save powder detergent. I've been CDing 4 months and still have about half the box left.

    My routine is: place in diaper pail. Every 2-3 days I wash them. Start with a cold pre-rinse. Regular hot wash with small amount of detergent (basically half the amount recommended for regular clothes). Extra rinse. Dry on high heat.

  • Oh and I used Arm's and Hammer free of Perfumes and Dyes (liquid). I found liquid to be easier unless you use Crunchy Clean of course :)

    I used A&H up until almost the end when I switched to the yummy smelling CC and I never had a problem with the A&H.. Occasionally I did have to do an extra cycle to get them rinsed well but never had to strip.

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  • We wash a load every other day. Cold pre-wash (no detergent), Hot wash (with only a little detergent), Cold extra rinse. I sometimes add a drop or two of essential oil to the load but not very often. I dry it on low heat. Also, we use Seventh Generation Free & Clear liquid detergent. I've never noticed any lingering odours.
  • I've also found that sometimes I tried to wash too many at once.  I use cloth wipes and have several wet bags for daycare plus my large diaper pail bag.  Make sure to use the right water level per the size of your cycle.
  • Like pp's your detergent may be the culprit, below is my routine

    Diaper in pail, wash every 2-3 days, rinse cycle: cold, hot wash with extra rinse and 1/8 cup of Charlie's Soap, Dry on med heat 75 min. GL


  • DG1DG1 member

    1 Take diaper off baby

    2. Flush poop if applicable.

    3. Put dirty diaper in diaper pail until wash day. (We wash every other day, so it could be in there for up to 48 hours).

    4. Wash once on cold with 1 oz of Planet detergent.

    5. Wash once on hot with 1 oz of Planet detergent.

    6. Do an extra rinse & spin

    7. Tumble dry low for 70 minutes. ?I throw in a dry towel to help get them dry.?


    I believe the ammonia smell is usually resolved by HOT water washing. If your hot water heater isn't set very hot (and it might not be too hot if you've already babyproofed everything), then heat some water on the stove and add it to the wash - don't pour it directly on the diapers, though. Add to an almost-full washer, or put the hot water in, then add some more water and add the diapers.

  • We have a front loader that does not use very much water and is an older model that I cannot adjust the water level on, even if run on the delicate cycle.

    Cold wash/rinse (+ extra rinse) with small squirt dawn and 1/2 TBSP Cruncy Clean

    Hot wash/rinse (+ extra rinse) with 1 TBSP Cruncy Clean

    Hot wash/rinse (+ extra rinse) with nothing

    We have also turned our water heater up slightly to help with getting the diapers cleaner since the FL uses less water.

    I wash every other day, the dirty diapers go in a pail in the bathroom with a Wahmies liner, use a diaper sprayer for poop, and we use only BG 3.0.

    I hang the pockets themselves up to dry and inserts and cloth wipes are dried on medium heat for 30 minutes and then hung to finish drying.

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