As many of you know, ds was booted from in home care for the 2nd time due to his seperation anxiety. My only other option is a day care center, they only offer full time, and I'm thinking it may be good for him to be around other kids and be on a schedule. I have mixed feelings as I LOVE working PT and bing home with ds. However, I also feel incredibly guilty like me being home so much with him has caused his severe seperation issues =(
Do any of you SAHM"s deal with this? Or PT working moms?
I never wanted to put ds in FT care, but I'm hoping it will help. Are you kids in FT care well adjusted when dropped off with new people?
I just feel so hopeless! DS is home with my inlaws who just flew in town last night and screamed when I left him =(
Re: Think I have to put ds in FT daycare =(
My DS is in FT daycare and I have to say it's working out really well for us. Better than I would have ever thought. He really seems to like being there. He has only cried twice when I left and he gets so excited when we walk into his classroom and he sees his teacher.
It was so hard to leave him at first and I am SO glad it got better.
GL sarah!
DS has been going to FT daycare until about 3 weeks ago when DH was laid off. DS now goes 2 days a week. He LOVES it there!! I felt awful having him there FT, but I see how happy he is there. Sure DS gets clingy at times, but he does not cry when we leave him there. When we pick him up, he gets excited to see us, but then wants to stay longer to play! LOL!
Maybe you should look at other centers. Many more centers are offering part time because of low enrollment. It's a really huge problem in our area (I work in child care). Many centers will take a part time just to get more income, so try to negotiate.
However, if that doesn't work, FT might help with the separation anxiety. I've seen kids who've had a hard time coming PT, but if they up their hours, they get more used to it and are much happier during the day. You could always start FT to get him used to it, and then go back down to PT.