We had really bad storms last night that woke both DH and I up, but thankfully DD slept through them. The wind was so bad it blew our grill across the patio! I am surprised our TV antenna is still up. Well, there are more coming and just the anticipation puts knots in my stomach. I am terrified of tornadoes.
/ stupid chatter
Re: I hate storms.
you're not that far from chicago right? the storms are bad today. i thought that northern indy might be getting a tornado too. i'll cross my fingers for you!!
also - did you guys just buy adult tickets or the all inclusive tickets at brookfield? i think we're going tomorrow and i'm trying to decide!
Yeah, we are in Northern Indiana. The storms are passing JUST north of us right now. We are pretty lucky with the way they move through most of the time so hopefully no tornado warnings or anything!