Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Are people nicer around you now that you have a baby?

I went to the post office today - it was pouring rain, I had DS in the car seat (mind you, he weighs 16 lbs + add the 5 lbs car seat, you know how it is) and a huge, albeit not very heavy, box. So.. you'd THINK that someone would hold the door for me... NOPE!! I was so surprised, as usually I found that people are very considerate when there is a person with a baby.

Do you have any nice/not nice stories about other people going out of their way or not to help you when you're with the baby?

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Re: Are people nicer around you now that you have a baby?

  • Depends where I am, and the people that are around. People my age/younger (I'm 26) tend to be all smiles and helpful, but the older that someone is, the less likely they seem to want to help.

    If I'm dressed down (like PJ pants and a rumpled t-shirt bad, lol) I find people are a LOT less likely to help, but if I'm dressed up people will help more often, unless I'm in a bad part of town, then people kind of seem to try and get MORE in my way.

    Maybe it's just this city though, I dunno.

  • When I was pregnant, I felt like people went out of their way to be nice--opening doors, offering to let me go ahead of them in a checkout line, etc. Now that I have a LO I guess I'm just one of the masses. No nice stories here.

    However, DH took DS to BRU the other day to pick up some formula. Two different women offered to let him go ahead of them in line. I'm thinking about making him the official errand runner.

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  • I find women to be wayyyyyy more helpful, and agree with PP... the younger they are, the nicer. Men (especially in their 30s/40s) are the rudest, I think.

    Which is amusing, because it was definitely the opposite pre-baby!

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