Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Which baby food helps with constipation?

Besides Prunes what baby food helps with constipation?  Applesauce? Pears?

Re: Which baby food helps with constipation?

  • Sweet potatoes for us. The peas royally screwed him up but the sweet potatoes cleared everything and then some.
  • I have heard anything that starts with the letter p.


    peaches, pears, prunes, peas?

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  • Peaches

    Not applesauce or bananas

  • No applesauce, cheese or bananas.


    "Greens" have lots of fiber as well as oranges. ?

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  • I was gonna say prunes.  Applesauce might, though.  I know it has fiber in it.
  • Applesauce, pears, prunes 

  • Applesauce has always helped DS.  Whenever we feed him bananas (bad for constipation), we always make sure to feed him applesauce at his next meal.


    Our pedi said not to use prunes except as a last resort, because you can easily go overboard and get the other extreme.  Gerber makes a prune blend with apples and berries (I think) that's a Stage 2 food.

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