DS (9 months on Sunday) and I have a play date with friends at Chick-Fil-A today. DS is eating some table foods and I'd like to shred some of the chicken from a nugget to give him. But, I remembered Chick-Fil-A fries their food in peanut oil. Does this mean he can't eat Chick-Fil-A food until he's over 2? I'm not sure if peanut oil is similar to fresh nut products as far as allergens go. Any thoughts??
Re: I need an answer quick!
DS is only 6.5 months but SIL has been giving her DS shredded grilled chicken from Chic-Fil-A since he was about 8-9 months.
Side-bar: I now want Chic-Fil-A!
Actually peanut oil and peanut allergies are not the same. It is the meat that causes the reaction.
My brother is highly allergic and had been eating at chick-fil-a for years before he realized it was peanut oil.
I still wouldn't take the chance, but just wanted to clarify that information.