I also posted this on the 12-24 board.
I know it's best to do rear facing until about age 2 and for the most part we're going to do that. DH feels more comfortable having DD front facing if he's the one riding with her because then he can see her if she's crying, etc. He has a Chevy Avalanche and I can't figure out how to do front facing in it.
The manual says the seats are a 60/40 split (or 40/60 - I really don't know what that means). There are two latch hooks in the back passenger side and two in the back middle. There isn't a latch hook on top for the back tether thing. I've looked a lot - and had a nurse trained in carseat safety look. She wasn't quite sure what to do either. If I have the car seat in the middle do I use the one the right latch hook and the right passenger hook for the lower tethers and the left middle hook for the back tether? Does that make sense? Anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks! The carseat or vehicle manual are not helpful at all. Oh - it's a graco seat.