Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Pumping at work . Im annoyed.

I stopped pumping at work 2 months ago. And my boss just said he saw an article in the chronicle about it. He said because we are a small office they do not have to abide by the laws and provide me with a place to pump. When I was pumping here at work I had to use the HR guys office since we dont have a breakroom or even a bathroom where I could do this. Im just annoyed. I stopped pumping at work because it was a hassle I had to kick the HR guy out every day and he  would roll his eyes and throw his hands in the air each time that I borrowed his office. I hate co-workers.


What am I supposed to do if they do not have to provide me a place to pump? pump in my car?! Next time around Im going to put my foot down.

Natural M/C:@5 wks 7/31/07 Natural M/C:@5 wks 12/27/09 Missed M/C, D&C:@9 wks 06/13/11

Re: Pumping at work . Im annoyed.

  • What kind of jackass boss would tell you this when you aren't even pumping at work?

    I'd look into those laws if I were you. :)

  • Actually, yes, I would pump in my car!  For my own sanity more than anything else.  And I could listen to the radio and relax.
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  • What an effing assshole.  Whether he "has to" or not - it's good practice to do so - happy, cared about employees are GOOD employees.  And to bring that up now, after you're not even pumping anymore - they can all go suck eggs (your boss AND your HR guy.  Two douchebags.) 


    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

  • I plan on it. i cannot believe they do not have to provide a place for this. I wasnt abusing my time either. I was using my 2 breaks during the day to pump. I was back at my desk quickly and timely. Ugh.
    Natural M/C:@5 wks 7/31/07 Natural M/C:@5 wks 12/27/09 Missed M/C, D&C:@9 wks 06/13/11
  • imagestar173:

    What kind of jackass boss would tell you this when you aren't even pumping at work?

    YEAH!  What a f*ckface!

    "If I'm goin' down, I'm goin' down loud." -John Evans Tweet me
  • If I had that boss, I would be very tempted to get a nursing cover and pump at my desk, just to see their faces.  I bet that would make them a lot more pro-active on finding you a private place!!  :P
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