Babies: 9 - 12 Months

VBAC candidates vary by doctor...

I see a lot of questions about VBAC around here.  I just wanted to point out that every doctor will tell you something different (more or less).  I know the European guidelines for three countries France,UK, NL and in that order they go from least to most pro-VBAC.  My suggestion is that if you really want to try VBAC and don't have any glaring medical issues then find the doctor who will do.  I know women her who were induced, had large babies, etc and still needed a c/s but were about to do VBAC.

Re: VBAC candidates vary by doctor...

  • imageEuroChick:
    My suggestion is that if you really want to try VBAC and don't have any glaring medical issues then find the doctor who will do. .

    I agree.  I spoke to my doctor about it briefly at my 6 week check up.  We will discuss further at my next annual exam.  I told my OB that I was happy to hear that he supports VBAC in the appropriate circumstances because although I love the practice, if they didn't do VBAC, I would have found a new practice.


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