Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Something weird is going on at work

About 10 minutes ago someone screamed really loud and shrill.  About 2 seconds after that someone else screamed "I need some help over here!".

The call went over the intercom requesting medical assistance in my building (we have people in every building trained for medical emergencies).  An ambulance was called right away but still isn't here...

I have no idea what is going on because I don't want to be a nosy azz and go stare at what's happening.  I really want to be a nosy azz though!

Re: Something weird is going on at work

  • You've already waited a lot longer than I ever would to go find out what is going on! 
  • See now I would be a nosy azz and go check it out but that just me Wink
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  • totally have to let us know what happened when you find I want to be a nosy azz too and I am all the way across the country!
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  • Um, get off the computer and go find out what happened.



    Then report back to all your fellow "nosy azz" nesties.

  • oh, I will let you know for sure. 

    The biggest reason I am not being nosy is because when I was pregnant we had someone else (that sits right by me) have an emergency and practically everyone in the building swarmed over here to see what was going on. 

    For the rest of my pregnancy I had panic attacks that I would go into labor here and not get to the hospital in time and that all my coworkers would stand around and watch while I gave birth and that one of my weird team leaders would end up delivering the baby.

  • Please go check it out.  Dying to know!
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