Babies: 9 - 12 Months

when they drop a nap do you always move up bedtime?

he's starting to wake up earlier than usual and hasn't really been having his catnap like before unless we're in the car (it's usually around 4 or 5pm)

curious what did you ladies do and did you notice your LO waking up earlier or anything?

Re: when they drop a nap do you always move up bedtime?

  • Yes, we moved up bedtime? How old is your DC? We thought he was giving up his 3rd nap around 7/8 months but then started waking in the night, and getting up early like before 5! We started getting him to take 3rd nap again, and then it all went back to normal. When he finally gave up this 3rd nap for  good, we moved his bedtime to 6:30. Now at 11 plus months he takes two naps a day (on a good day :) )  and goes to sleep at 6:30 and wakes at 7! It works!
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