I know everyone talks about how much they hate their daycare but I am loving my daycare. Whenever I pick DD I can see her playing before she notices me and she always looks like she is having a fantastic time. The daycare ladies are so nice and accomdating. When my babysitter bailed yesterday afternoon and I had an important meeting they agreed to take her free of charge for the afternoon since we have been away for a month before. The made her a really cute sign and hat for her little birthday party last week. Okay to summarize I am so pleased and I realize that this a complete AW but I am just feeling the love at my daycare.
Re: Have I mentioned I love daycare?
That's great! I think I will learn to love mine too. The people are great and he's loved the 2 hours he's spent there.
However, in those 2 hours he got pinkeye. So I really hope that doesn't continue.....
I love mine too! He is alwasys excited when we walk in the room and they just do so much with him. I can't wait to see what they have created for Father's Day. I know there was a lot of finger painting going on this week.
I am glad that someone else also loves their daycare as much as I do!
I love my daycare too. He loves it as well. He always smiles when I drop him off and is smiling when I pick him up.
Yes, he has been sick a lot since starting, but I expected that...i just hope it ends soon
I feel so bad for him.
My oldest got that his first day of Mothers Day Out! Ugh!