Seriously... the company my dh works for is paying for him to fly home tomorrow, he"ll get in around 1 pm, have all day Saturday at home, and then they will fly him back out Sunday afternoon... all because this is cheaper then keeping him up at work in a camp for those 3 days... It makes me wonder... (though I am happy to see my hubby again for a day:)
Re: Oh dirty oil money....
I guess it's like 175 a night at the camps and it's only a 50dollar flight home... And we are moving in less then 2 weeks... I will be working his a$$ the whole time he is home... lol. Maybe we'll get some fun time in as well
Yeah, dh is up for 20 days home for 10 usually... I don't mind it sadly enough.. it's helping us get out of debt and I see him more on his 10 days home then I would if he was working 12-14 hour shifts around here... That said, ttc is hard because of his shifts...
Oh West ed... how I love and hate that mall.
I love West Ed. H and I have made many a road trip just to hit the water park and do some shopping. It is one of the things that I am looking forward to doing with River when he gets older. He better not be a wuss.
Yeah, I just hate it when it's super busy.. like the week before Christmas, lol. But I hope ds isn't a wuss either I love rides and water slides! I can't wait to take him to Disney World/Universal Studios.
You need to write that story in DDs baby book. She'll want to know down the road. But it is funny.