
Big announcement coming re: J&K Plus Eight

I don't watch it, but love gossip and know a lot of you watch the show.... Episode to air announcement of Jon, Kate GosselinBY BJ HAMMERSTEIN ? EDITOR OF DETROIT.METROMIX.COM ? JUNE 18, 2009Read Comments(13)Recommend(2)PrintE-mail this articleLetter to editorShareimageimageimageimageimageimageWhat?s this?It seems something very big is brewing in ?Jon & Kate Plus 8? reality-TV land.Advertisement
TLC confirmed to the Free Press today that the network has plans to run a special episode at 9 p.m. Monday to air the announcement.
Already, gossip bloggers are calling this the official announcement of their split, as months of living under the tabloid microscope has put a tremendous strain on Jon and Kate Gosselin?s marriage. 
Claims of an affair between Jon Gosselin and Pennsylvania third-grade school teacher Deanna Hummel are swirling as are reports of Kate Gosselin and a relationship with the family?s (married) bodyguard Steve Nields. Detroit radio host Mojo from Channel 95.5?s ?Mojo in the Morning? show on WKQI-FM (95.5), who claims he saw Kate Gosselin and Nields holding hands when she was in Detroit in early May on a promotional speaking tour.
Whatever the big announcement ? it is certain to bring another level of drama ? and more importantly ratings to TLC, which saw its hour-long fifth season premiere over Memorial Day weekend shattering viewing records with 9.8 million viewers ? more than double the audience that tuned into the show?s season four finale in March, according to
Since the premiere, and perhaps due to the media overexposure, ratings have steadied off ? with Monday night?s fifth episode of this season drawing just short of 3 million viewers, a sharp decline from the premiere numbers, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
So what will Jon and Kate?s big announcement be? 
One possibility is that the Gosselins will make official news of their split, after 10 years of marriage.
We know there has been an influx of interviews of Jon and Kate solo during the show. Jon also missed his wife?s 34th birthday in March, and the couple spent their 10-year wedding anniversary weekend apart.
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Re: Big announcement coming re: J&K Plus Eight

  • I'm sad.  Not surprised, but sad.  I feel for their kids.  It sucks being a child of divorce.
  • It's on tonight??
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  • Perhaps they're cancelling the show.  At this point I think that'd be best for all of them.

  • imageKoriBrett:

    Perhaps they're cancelling the show.  At this point I think that'd be best for all of them.

    that would be great!!!

  • imageamiamish:

    Perhaps they're cancelling the show.  At this point I think that'd be best for all of them.

    that would be great!!!


    I would like to hear this, but I bet they'll find a way to continue the exploitation..

  • imageBrideofranken:

    Perhaps they're cancelling the show.? At this point I think that'd be best for all of them.

    that would be great!!!


    I would like to hear this, but I bet they'll find a way to continue the exploitation..?

    This is what I'm thinking?

  • Maybe she's pregnant.


    No, wait, that's the wrong TLC show. LOL

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • And their drama continues.....
    CafeMom Tickers

    CafeMom Tickers

    M/C 1/6/10
  • I have only seen a little bit of this season. I think the show is now just a sideshow.
  • I hope they will announce that they have come to their senses and are going into therapy and cancelling the show. That would be the smart move.
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