I can't. That's why I don't usually read it to the kids. DD picked it the other night so I got to the 8 yr old part before I started crying. DS was sad I was crying and I explained there are happy tears as they grow up. DD said she wouldn't grow up. Later she said she'd grow up so she could be a mommy....more tears!
Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
Re: Can you read "I'll love you forever" w/o crying?
is that the one where the man eventually rocks the old woman or something equally creepy? HATE that book. Scares theshit out of me. My MIL gave it to us and I just think it's a book about blurred boundaries.
Yes - I have issues.
This. Maybe I have issues too, but it gives me the heebie jeebies.
I have to agree with zenya... every time I read that book I think, please don't let me be psycho mil. or those people are crazy! attachment issues? cut the cord already!
creeps me out.
a colleague gave me that book... she's psycho about her grown dds. I love her... but she's a crazy mom. cannot let go.
I thought the book was sweet up til she crawled into his room one night while he was married. At that point, it just got weird.
I think the overall idea of the book is nice, that she loves him for always no matter how big he gets - he's still her baby. And that at the end he turns it around and takes care of her. But dude - the book is just WEIRD.
I almost can't get through the last half with a straight face...lol
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Exactly. When I moved my son out of our bed (for the first time..), I was sad and kept looking in at him in his new room. And I actually PIP'd a pic from the book on a different board to explain how I felt like a psycho.
Me three. I get the "point" of the book,but something about it creeps me out too. And my MOM gives it to everyone at their baby shower. Creep-y!
Only b/c I've read it so many times.?
I can't believe you're all saying that! I mean, I get it (yeah, if it was IRL, it would be so weird), but I guess since it's a CHILDREN'S fictional book, I always had rose-colored glasses on about it - can't say I was digging into the psychological insinuations! I never assumed the inspiration behind it really did that literally. But then again, I don't have a brother, or a mama's boy husband, or a son (yet)... and I'm really close to my mom, so I think that book is sweet...
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
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I was once told I have no heart b/c I feel the same way.